Brooklyn Traditional Egalitarian

Traditional Egalitarian Minyanim and their events within walking distance of the Brooklyn Museum.

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Friday Nights and More

Shir HaMaalot

A volunteer-led, traditional-egalitarian havurah that hosts musical Friday night services and a vegetarian potluck dinner.


Crown Heights' first traditional egalitarian minyan with spirited davening in nusach Ashkenaz, an informal atmosphere, and Shabbat meal matching.


A formerly Manhattan-based minyan (hence the name) which migrated to Crown Heights, featuring an energetic Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv, followed by dinner and quality hang-out time.

Brooklyn Shabbat Kodesh

Brooklyn Shabbat Kodesh is an anti-Zionist, non-Zionist, diasporist minyan that hosts a traditional egalitarian kabbalat shabbat and vegetarian potluck.

Shabbat Mornings and More


Altshul is an independent, egalitarian minyan guided by halacha and follows traditional liturgy.


Crown Heights' first traditional egalitarian minyan with spirited davening in nusach Ashkenaz, an informal atmosphere, and a top-notch kiddush.

Kol haKfar

Kol haKfar is an occasional trad egal minyan that supports Israel. We gather at different times, please join the WhatsApp group or newsletter.



Tuesday mornings 7:30am at attendees homes. Fast davening and warm community. Signups required to make a minyan.


The Flatbush Jewish Center Friday group (aka Polar Bear Minyan) has been gathering since 2020 (and inside since 2021) at 8am for zippy morning davening - 327 East 5th Street. Wraps up by 8:40am.

Brooklyn Daily Minyan Project

Mincha and/or maariv (depending on season) at various times in the Chapel of the CBE Temple House, 274 Garfield Place (across from domed building). Click here to sign up and make a minyan, not required to attend.

Holidays and More!

For more information on holidays, other neighborhood communities, and more information see this amazing google doc.

Community Calendar

Subscribe to the Brooklyn Trad Egal Google Calendar for one stop minyan event info.